Just a few years ago, a section of an aisle in most supermarkets was devoted to cereal. Today, a trip to the 50-foot long cereal aisle is a shock and awe experience—a baffling maze of choices. At the end of the maze you may feel a bit disoriented, with three boxes of cereal and the unsettling … [Read more...]
Social Media vs SEO
Social media vs SEO is like men are from Mars, women are from Venus. SEO would be Mars: cold, rocky, and technical. Social media would be Venus: passionate, energetic, and inspirational. Many will attempt to enter these unfamiliar domains, yet few will succeed. So when do you … [Read more...]
What Buyers Want: Optimizing Your Content
When you are looking to make a purchase - let's say a new laptop - what do you do? Do you hop on the phone and call up Apple to get product specs and pricing information? In 1990, yes. In 2011, absolutely not. The buyer no longer relies on vendors entirely. They surf the Internet, going to … [Read more...]
Beat Spammers. Copyright Your Content.
More and more, marketers are hearing that content is king. And guess what? It's true. Publishing unique and engaging content on your site will not only attract visitors to your site, but also set you apart from your competition. Some sites, however, like to borrow content from other sites, brand … [Read more...]
Is the Sun Setting on the Whitepaper?
When was the last time you read a whitepaper that added real value to your research process? I'm racking my brain and finding it quite difficult to come up with anything. More often than not, today's whitepapers are really just masked sales pitches, too long to keep the attention of … [Read more...]