Email is among the most powerful online marketing tools out there; for many marketers, email marketing trumps PPC and offline marketing. The reason is simple; email marketing lets you reach qualified prospects repeatedly, emails allow you to nurture leads like no other form of marketing. Leads from … [Read more...]
CRM Trends for 2014
Businesses big and small can benefit by saving on CRM deployment and installation if they can gauge trends correctly. Here are five crucial CRM trends for 2014 that will define business-consumer interaction not just next year but also beyond that. Focus on mobile – Mobile CRM has well and truly … [Read more...]
How to Overcome Problems while Implement CRM Strategy
According to the experts, CRM or customer relationship management is basically a business strategy, which different companies implement in order to reduce the cost, boost up the profits and enhance he customer services and loyalty. When it comes to benefitting from these strategies, different … [Read more...]
CRM – Internal Advocates for Your Marketing Activities
In our objectives to get, keep and grow customers, many companies often look within their own walls to build customer relationships. Especially in large companies with many product divisions, finding customers within the employee base can be an easy win. As customers themselves, employees can be … [Read more...]
5 Signs Your CRM System Is Holding Back Your Business
Think five years’ back to what customers required. Digital and social media were just starting to make their impact. The recession hit. Customers began to look for diverse ways of developing business through innovative channels. It’s highly likely that their behaviours have changed significantly … [Read more...]