Editorial Review: In today's global economy the customer has more and better choices than ever before, bringing on one of the biggest challenges the business community faces today - customer loyalty and retention. To thrive in today's customer-driven economy a company need. This book explores how to … [Read more...]
The CRM Handbook: A Business Guide to Customer Relationship Management
Editorial Review: As the thinkers have said, you should strive in all situations to know yourself and know your enemy. Most of history's great thinkers, however, were not in business. In business, you have to know your customer and understand how your company interacts with him or her. The current … [Read more...]
Featured CRM Reading: CRM at the Speed of Light, 3e
Editorial Review: Updated to reflect the major changes in Customer Relationship Management (CRM) in the last few years, this third edition of CRM at the Speed of Light: Capturing and Keeping Customers in Real Time is a must-read for executives looking to leverage the latest technologies on the … [Read more...]
Harvard Business Review on Customer Relationship Management
Editorial Review: Author: C. K. Prahalad, Patrica B. Ramaswamy, Jon R. Katzenbach, Chris Lederer, Sam Hill. This collection of cutting-edge articles will help organizations understand how to build customer loyalty through unique relationship-building strategies such as partnerships, branding, and … [Read more...]
A Practical Guide to CRM
Editorial Review: In today's global economy the customer has more and better choices than ever before, bringing on one of the biggest challenges the business community faces today - customer loyalty and retention. To thrive in today's customer-driven economy a company need. This book explores how to … [Read more...]