ThinkAboutCRM.com is proud to present our annualBest CRM Software Awards, featuring the best crm software in each category. Every day we are asked, what is the best crm software? So we’ve searched through thousands of the best CRM software solutions to test the best of the best. These top CRM software solutions boasted beautiful design, simple…yet robust functionality, and the best value for your dollar.
(Winners of our Best CRM Software Awards can download the graphic here by right clicking on the image).
Best CRM Software for Online CRM – Capsule
We had to rate Capsule CRM as our #1 Best CRM choice for small businesses everywhere looking for a scalable online CRM. This CRM Software had beautiful design, the useability was excellent, and the price absolutely couldn’t be beat. At $12/per month a user, it’s definitely in any small business budget.
What’s even better, is it came jam-packed with integrations on products you already use: Fresh Books (client invoicing), Mail Chimp (the best email system you will ever use), and Kash Flow (keeping track of your money).
But wait…then Capsule CRM wooed us again. Now they tell us we can take this, and all the integrations on the go. With a full suite of iphone, blackberry, and android apps. It doesn’t get much better than that.
Best CRM Software for Social CRM – Sprout Social
We all know what a hassle it is to manage all those social media accounts. Liking on Facebook over there, tweeting over here…constantly. Then they tell us we’re supposed to measure all this too? Sprout Social offers one of the most robust, yet oh so simple, social CRM software available on the market to do just that.
This social CRM allows to effectively manage your brand, voice, engagement, customers, and competitors across ANY social media platform you can think of. What’s really cool, and what awarded this software best CRM in it’s class, is the in-depth analytics. It gives you actual steps to take to raise your social media engagement.
Best CRM Software for Customer Service Support – Desk
What was so great about Desk? The give your customers WOW. And, your first full-time customer service agent is free. Yes, you heard us…free. After that, your part time customer service support agent is only $1 per hour. Or, you can add another full time customer service support agent for $49 per month.
How they are giving us these amazing prices, we don’t know…but it earned them the Best CRM Software in class for customer service support. Desk also offers enterprise solutions for when your small business grows from offering world class customer service.
And of course, the Best CRM Mobile Apps you could ask for:
Best CRM Software for Email Solutions – Intouch CRM
While this choice for a Best CRM award may not have as good as design, it still looks pretty good we’d say. What we really loved about Intouch CRM though, was it’s world class email support system for small businesses. It allows you to not only enjoy all the benefits of a regular CRM, but also easily create & send regular email newsletters. This email CRM also came at a great price any small business could afford.
Take a moment to take their free 30 day trial on a test drive (and hey..these guys actually don’t require a credit card that you’ll forget to cancel).
We hope you enjoyed our Best CRM Software Annual Awards, we’ll be adding more to the list as we find them. If you know a great CRM software worthy, please feel free to leave it in the comments and we’ll take it for a drive!
Wow – thank you so much for naming Sprout Social as the best social CRM software! We’re so flattered. We definitely aim to provide a comprehensive, yet easy-to-use, platform to enable businesses to reach their target market and engage.
Thanks again!
Brittany Morse
Social Marketing Manager, Sprout Social
Hi Brittany,
Big congrats to you..! we're also very happy to publish all the selected applications here. The selection is based on our team's research.
All the best to you!
Thanks for this articles. I am new to CRM and those suggested application is opening my mind.
Besides, are there any CRM software that can handle attachment (e.g. several pics) as well? I want to build a CRM with a knowledge base with attachment. Thankyou.
Hi William,
I believe there are some CRM software that can handle attachment… what's specifically your requirements? are you going to build for sales automation, marketing or services? are you going to have an on-premise CRM apps or on-cloud CRM? You may want to see our section Cloud business apps in the right side bar of this site or in the CRM Software review menu to evaluate many leading CRM apps.
Thank you for your comment!
Some companies use the free version of the CRM as a way to attract customers and retain existing ones. Free system for non-commercial use – it’s good, but for me it is better to use paid versions (regular updates, constant improvement of the system, technical support). You can try the full version of SaaS on http://www.teamwox.com/ quite convenient system, or look for other solutions CRM
I suggest you to check out this business software database! You can compare 47 CRM software http://crm-software.thebsdb.com/